By Chris Taylor
If you have an online business, you know how hard it is to get Internet traffic to stop and give you a look. If you’ve been searching for a new way to bring attention to the products or services you are offering, have you considered a blog?
Blogs, in spite of their somewhat mysterious name, are really miniature websites. As an online business owner, you’ll feel right at home with a blog. You’ll become a “blogger”, and your input to your blog will be called “posts”, with the older posts being moved off you blog’s front page as newer ones appear. You can use software to help you create your blog, and let your readers participate by posting their own comments, which become part of your blog’s official content.
Your blog can be about anything you choose. Blogs began as private affairs between their authors and cyberspace, and many bloggers still use them as substitutes for leather-bound diaries or journals.
But blogs have now come to serve other purposes, both individual and corporate; and a blog is a perfectly acceptable tool for you to employ in promoting your online ventures.
As a novice blogger, you will be joining the Blogosphere, the Internet community of diehard bloggers who have their own culture, complete with ways to identify you as an up-and-coming, reputable blogging superstar. The point of this article is to show you how you can blog your way to online business prosperity, while becoming a valuable member of the Blogopshere.
The Blogoshpere has established a “code” to which you must adhere if you are to expect any success. The first tenet of the code is that your blog must contain content, and not merely advertising. This rule arose in response to an epidemic of “splogs”, counterfeit blogs which presented huge amounts of ads in the guise of reader-friendly content.
You may be thinking, “How am I going to promote my business in a blog if I can’t advertise?” But when you better understand how your blog will build an audience for your product, you’ll realize that it has very little to do with plugging your online business in veiled ways with every paragraph you write.
Do not use your blog to actively sell your products or services; use it discuss them, their uses, products with which they compete, the fields to which they are related--anything which can give your readers a broad-based look at whatever you are offering, so that they can respond with their own thoughts and suggestions.
The Blogosphere can either help or hinder you in getting your online business recognized. You won’t be able to control the reactions which your potential client base post on your blog, and they may draw attention to certain of your products’ qualities which you’d rather remained overlooked. If you choose to ignore their comments in the hopes that they will drop the subject, your readers will notice. And they will wonder what they can expect from you in the way of customer service, should they actually purchase, and have a problem with, your product.
Your readers, and possible clients, are all part of the Blogosphere, and it would be very easy for them spread word of your indifferent or negative response to their criticisms. Stop trouble before it starts by focusing on topics that do not generate negative reactions. This approach will keep you one step ahead of your online business competitors, and those who advertise through more established media.
Building a large blog readership based on your solid reputation will give you a good SEO ranking. That’s how your blogging efforts will pay off big time. Your blog posts will show up at the top of any search engine results for queries on your online business products.
The only caution: if you do not absolutely, positively believe in the product or service you are offering through your online business, blogging will be a waste of time. Because blogging requires you to stay completely in the loop regarding what is going on with your product, you will soon tire of the effort involved. And your lack of enthusiasm will drive away your readers faster than a getaway vehicle leaves a bank robbery!
For more information on blogs and rss visit one of our resources today - Rss Feed Submission Sites - best blog software - basic elements of rss
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Thursday, September 4, 2008
Blog Your Way to Online Success
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Small Business Blog Writing Tips
By Jim Degerstrom
You launch a new small business blog, and then writer's block kicks in. What to do? Here are some tips to help you with ideas for new posts to your blog. Your blog writing style does not have to be textbook perfect, so informal writing is suitable as long as you check grammar and spelling. It's okay to entertain as you provide information, too. Visitors will not expect literary works suitable for a Nobel prize when you create blog posts, so relax.
Write short paragraphs and cover one aspect of what you present in each. Visitors want information quickly; so long paragraphs should be avoided. Short posts of 1-2 paragraphs are fine, too. Most website content is quickly scanned, so headlines and the first few words of each paragraph may be all that most visitors view before deciding to read details, or exit.
Include key words relative to your subject, and place some near the beginning of sentences for each paragraph, so your visitors get the general feel as they scan your post. Search engines will visit and index your blog content, too, so key words are important for attracting the search engine crawlers.
Google Alerts and blog labels are two techniques to help you generate new blog post ideas. Each will be presented in the report Blog Your Way to Fresh Content from my series of free PDF SEO Reports about do-it-yourself small business website promotion that I began to release during 2007. Some of my clients could not wait, so this article is a preview of how to use these two techniques to come up with post ideas for your blog:
1. Google Alerts is a free service that delivers links to content by email. Once set up, you automatically receive a collection of current news stories or related content by email with summaries and links to the information.
2. Your blog labels are the filing system for your blog that cross references your posts by subject category, so visitors may click a label and view all posts about that subject on one page. Use them to brainstorm ideas for posts.
Google Alerts Search for Google Alerts to find the main page, and then sign up for a Google account if you don't have one. You don't need an account to use alerts, but managing your choices is more convenient from one page, and creating, editing, or deleting alerts will be easier.
To begin you create individual alerts for search words or phrases relative to your business, and then your options are type and how often. Type means the source, and the selections are from news, the web, blogs, groups, and comprehensive (all). The how often is the frequency of emails you receive from Google and include once a day, as it happens, and once a week.
Once you create the alert, emails arrive automatically with lists of sources for content related to your selected subject, and a summary of each. Follow the links of interest, and perhaps you will decide to write about the same subject with a different slant. Never copy another author's content verbatim or claim it as your original writing. That would be plagiarism. However, quoting other sources is acceptable, and snippets or excerpts are often all you need.
Write an introduction about the piece you will quote, and then give credit to the author including a hyperlink to the source. Next, make sure you are in HTML mode and begin the excerpt with blockquote and italics tags, insert their content using copy and paste, and finally add the closing blockquote and italics tags. View your help files if the [blockquote] or [i] and then [/blockquote] and [/i] are unfamiliar (Note: The [ and ] square brackets must be replaced with <>, so don't take my example literally). This formatting will indent their snippet in your post and display the text in italics to make everything stand out as content quoted from another source.
Finally, write a closing paragraph with your take or opinion on the subject matter, and you're done. Again, your posts do not have to be lengthy, so the opening introduction and closing comments or opinion can each be one paragraph. Busy visitors are more likely to read your content and bookmark your site for return visits if your style is interesting and brief.
Blog Labels The labels you assign to your posts allow cross referencing of information, and they are another source for brainstorming new post ideas. After all, your labels provide a snapshot of the overall theme of your blog. A review of your list of labels may uncover subjects that are overdue for a new post while alerts make you aware of topical subjects. Reviewing the labels that define your blog allows you to enhance emphasis by writing about what your small business is really all about.
Bonus Tip: Visit and near the upper right is a "tag cloud" which displays key words and phrases that represent what the majority of people worldwide have written recently. The most popular tags are displayed in very large text, with others decreasing in size based on total posts tagged with that word or phrase. If you find words that relate to your business, click the tag to see what others are writing, or just start your post and run with it.
Compare physical exercise to writing posts for your small business blog, and each requires discipline. Both are easy to avoid without feeling guilty, yet the benefits are certainly important to your health, personal and business. A large percentage near 25% of all new blogs go offline in less than 90 days. One reason is the lack of fresh content. Use these tips for keeping your posts short and to the point, utilize Google Alerts, and do a review of your blog labels to easily come up with new ideas for posting to your blog.
Jim Degerstrom offers custom website design and artwork for print, and blogs related small business advice.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
How To Create A Blog For Corporate Blogging
By Randy Hough
One of the best ways to help your business is to create a blog for corporate blogging. You want more exposure, free to cheap advertising, growing traffic to your main site, and interaction with your customer base, don't you?
A corporate blog can do all of that for you, if you do it right. You can also spin your wheels and experience a big puff of disappointment, if you just go by the seat of your pants. So, the problem is: you want a corporate blog, but just don't know how to go about it. You also don't want to spend extra time or money in the process.
Corporate blogging is actually fun
Unlike a regular, static web site, a blog is informal, intuitive, short by nature, and even humorous. There is more than enough stuffy, boring monologue already in all the technologically oriented websites. You can reach your business goals by using a blog, and enjoy it at the same time.
Corporate blogging is effective
A huge advantage of blogging is that you can interact with your customers in an informal manner. People tend to be more open and forthright if they are writing in a blog, and you can learn an enormous amount from them. You can find out what their concerns are, what frustrates them, what they need and so on.
By checking your statistics in the blog Cpanel, you can learn how they found out about you, which keywords they used to search for you, how long they visited, which pages they visited, and more. This is enormously helpful because it is much closer to real time than with a regular static web site. You can learn the same things on a regular site as well, but it is not nearly so revealing as with a blog.
Corporate blogging also enables you to build your brand in the marketplace. By making use of frequent, interesting, relevant and attention grabbing posts, your brand name will soon be all over the internet. The search engines, such as Google seem to favor blogs because pages from a blog are indexed and spidered much more quickly. They also can receive a very high ranking when people are searching for information.
For example, suppose your company focuses on hedge trimmers. If you know the right strategies, you will soon find yourself in the enviable position of number one or two in the search engine results. What this means is that when somebody types in something about hedge trimmers, your blog post will be one of the first choices presented in the results page. Everybody wants to be in that spot, and you just did it without much extra effort at all! But, you need to know how!
How do I start blogging?
So, you keep hearing about how I need to create a blog, I need to get into corporate blogging, and you want to find out how to start blogging in the best possible manner.
There are many great platforms in the marketplace that can provide services to get you going. Some are free, some are very expensive and some are in-between. You should most definitely avoid a completely free service for a variety of good reasons. One very good reason is that all the hard work you put into gaining all the high search engine results will not actually belong to you; it belongs to the hosting company. There are other reasons as well, but you get what you pay for, mostly.
Check out blogs that you like and find out how they do it. Here is my blog, it is a sort of hybrid between a personal blog and a business blog. For me, it serves both purposes quite well. I is called Family Stress and Health, and check it out: it is number one in Google's search result for those four words, which are known as a long-tail keyword. In fact it has the number one and number two positions!
Here is what to do
Look around, check out my blog, check out other blogs you like, but make sure you visit this little page I made to direct you to the best of the best. It is called, How do I start blogging? These people are driven business coaches who are in touch with everything that can make your business take off. They are experts at media marketing and know all about the stuff that works in this new media marketplace.
Randy HoughPlastic Injection Mold Maker/Engineer
"You know Dad, I've been thinkin', one is a lot more than zero!" my son, Thomas, age 5.
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What Is Better - A Niche Blog Or A Generic Blog?
By Craig Andrews
When people launch their first blog many have a tendency to launch a generic topical blog that covers a variety of subjects. For example, if Bob loves race cars, abstract art and Feng Shui he may start a blog entitled "Bob's blog" and cover all three of these topics along with errant movie reviews when he feels in the mood for writing one. Oh, and the blog's writing is TREMENDOUS. Yes, it is an entertaining blog but it is certainly not a niche blog and while there is nothing wrong with this but if Bob really wanted to maximize his readership, search engine rankings and monetization he would probably be better off with three separate niche blogs covering each topic individually and in depth.
One of the reasons for this is that advertisers have a tendency to prefer targeted traffic. So, if you are looking to sell banner ads or paid blogging entries having a targeted blog would be far more attractive to those potential advertisers than a generic blog that is all over the map. If you are looking to earn money from your blog with click through ads the constant jumping from subject matter may make the SEO spiders ability to select proper ads much more difficult. If you are placing affiliate banners for bookstores and only 1/3 of your blog entries and readership centering on books then you have conceded that 2/3's of your readers will never purchase from those banners. This is also to say nothing of the difficulty of being found in the search engines when your blog does not prescribe to any particular genre.
Again, there is nothing wrong with having a generic, topical blog but if your goal is to draw in readers and advertising money you may wish to rethink your strategy. Think of it this way: singers and actors often assume stage names to make their names more marketable. Changing your generic blog to a series of niche blogs would be no different. This does not mean, however, that you dump your generic blog. You can still keep it but it would be wise to expand upon it with a series of solid, interesting niche blogs.
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Friday, April 25, 2008
Blogs- Why Do People Blog
By CD Mohatta
Blogs are becoming very popular. The rate at which the numbers are increasing is mind-boggling. Why is this happening? Why everybody wants to create a blog? Who else will read that blog? If everyone is busy writing his/her blog why and when will they get time to search for other blogs and read them? Because of this over population and density, will blogging become another failure? Is it a fad, which will pass away? Let us examine?
Why do people blog? Most of the people write blogs to express themselves. They are sure that on their blog they will get what they want printed. If they write articles or columns for newspapers they may or may not get printed. Writing a blog gives the power to each of us to get printed immediately. I personally write my blog to express myself freely and feel good to see that what I wrote got printed immediately.
Another reason of writing in a blog and website is freedom of design, layout and structure. Blogging gives this freedom. It does not need navigation architecture designs of a website nor a structured menu. You write and get printed - as simple as that. This has a flip side also. In a website one can lay out the information in an easy to access and read format. You can lead your reader to a particular page in a website. You cannot do that on your blog.
Do blogs get read? How does one popularize one's blog? These are difficult questions to answer. For most of us, it is difficult to find time and submit our blog in the increasing number of directories. It is also difficult to make sure that our blog will get one of top rankings in a search. Only the search engines know the secret of that and others only speculate. If we try to read the articles written on this subject, not only the quantity but the difference of opinions will leave most of us tired, frustrated and undecided. One more issue- before you decide that you would want to popularize your blog, please think - whether you search for blogs and read them? A lot many of us are so busy writing our own blogs, that we find no time looking for others. Why should this not apply to our potential readers?
Whatever the pros and cons of blogging, one outcome is certain. Blogs give us the opportunity of writing what we want and get it printed.
CD Mohatta writes on issues that affect life like management, love, motivation etc. His writings can be found in motivational wallpapers, free online greetings and love greetings.
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Sunday, April 20, 2008
Blog Writing Tips
By T Nelson
Blog writing tips are the winning techniques, which will make your content rate above the normal on the web. For this to happen, it is needed to be presented in correct format and readable format and acceptable to a layman who visits or browses websites.
Listed below are some of the, worth noting, blog writing tips:
- Writing the text in a clear and crisp manner, which is understandable by all; and which requires least exercise of the brain from the reader.
- Developing the text fraught with suitable search engine friendly keywords and phrases. Such keywords serve as an impetus to be noticed by the search engine crawlers and you get the prize of being listed on top.
- Using the content management system to place the text in the way it should look appealing and attractive. This is done for two reasons. First, the CMS provides those powerful protocols, which are easily noticed by the crawlers; and secondly the text is soothing to reader's eyes.
- Many a times, your content for Blog is not even read, it is just skimmed and it is skimming what gives you the publicity. A word "IS" has lot of power over the Internet, provided it is written and placed in right way in your textual material. And if this small word comes in the keyword, you will earn big. Simply imagine! How much power a content holds.
- The writing style should be simple, colloquial and discursive too. It should not be an academic research document. A true vision of the writer's own thoughts. Remember to be a blog writer, you do not need to be a good literary person. A normal person with little insight into language can easily handle the stuff.
- Blog contents to your zone should also contain link in order to make them more SEO friendly and financially effective. To understand the real power of such writing genre, you should be aware of the Really Simple Syndication (RSS).
Follow the above-described blog writing tips, and you'll have nothing more to say.
Niche Writers India provides Blog Content Writing and Blog Writing Service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for Blog Posting Service then you can get it in $2 per article.
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
How Writing Online Articles Can Save Your Blog From Certain Doom
By Chris Whiteley
As a blogger you no doubt write a new post on your blog everyday, well as a dedicated blogger you do. Right? Well if you can't handle writing a new post everyday, then you probably cannot handle what I am proposing. Writing online articles and then submitting them to an article submission site. Now you may say that there is no way that you would start writing online articles everyday when you have to worry about creating a blog post.
Not to worry.
The reason I am suggesting that you start writing articles is because this will help you bring more traffic to your blog. Once you have written a post it is a very simple matter to rewrite the material in to an article. This article here, is in fact a rewrite of a post I wrote on my blog. My theory is that you have the article pretty much written already because of your blog post so why not use it to promote your blog. Plus the article will most likely get ranked better and faster than your blog post.
Why is that?
The fact is Google trusts the big article submission sites more than it trusts your blog. A real life analogy would be: If I were trying to get into an elite night club all by myself there is no way that I would be allowed in. But if I showed up with Paris Hilton or some other hot celeb I would most likely allowed in. Google is the elite night club, the celeb is the article submission site, and I am the blog post.
Plus the added bonus is that people will take your article and use it as content on their blog or website. The policy is that the resource box, that includes your link must stay intact. So by modifying your blog post and by writing online articles you are going to get indexed quicker and ranked faster, plus you will get a backlink to your blog every time someone uses your content on their blog. Starting now every time you write a blog post, start writing online articles as well.
The Powers of "Living on Adsense"
Living on AdSense is the blog of a guy who is just a regular guy, except for the fact he has quit his job to become a full time blogger. Failure is not an option. Come learn from a man who is earning a living: one click at a time.
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
4 Pointers To Blog Writing
By Paul W Wood
Start a blog
Seems obvious, but just start blogging about anything that you know something about. Once you have the blog up and running you can get used to the discipline required and develop your own writing style. As an example, you could start a blog about where you live. Just sign on with one of the free blogging services or purchase a domain name, install Wordpress or other blogging software and start blogging. Doing it this way means that all you have to come up with are observations about daily life in your town and write about them. It may not be riveting, but the point is that it gives you a source of material that you have to shape into something readable. This sort of blog may never get a large audience, but the fact that it is live adds a certain compulsion to write for it. If you were just writing for yourself without publishing it, there would be a greater chance of stopping through lack of motivation.
Write the way you think
For some people this may seem like a really bad idea, but the idea is to make your writing both unique and sustainable for you. If you try and copy someone else's style, you will not know how to express yourself within that style and you will end up as a very pale imitation of the writer you are trying to emulate. That's not something many people will go out of their way to read.
Always read before you post
I don't know how many times I have read a blog or article which has been marred by misspelling or the author copying and pasting a phrase twice and not editing the result properly. It is always possible to alter a post you have made, even after you have posted, but with Wordpress you can preview the page before actually publishing it. For some reason mistakes that you have not noticed in the editing window show up when you see the post in context, so always preview before posting and if you are as cautious as I am, read it again after posting. You will also notice problems with readability that you hadn't noticed before and can correct them to make the writing flow better.
Alter the size of the edit box
Finally a practical point. If you are using Wordpress, the default editor size is quite small and it is difficult to keep the sweep of the post as you have to scroll up and down to read it too much. Fortunately you can increase the number of lines by going to you Wordpress control panel and clicking on Options and then Writing and you can increase the size of the post box there. I find 20 is a reasonable line number, but you should may your own mind up on it.
Having a developed a style and become used to the discipline of blog writing, there are a number of ways you can make your blog more search engine friendly. This means that people can find it more easily, and I will cover this in future articles.
Paul Wood has been involved with computers since before there was an Internet, and has been involved as it has evolved and grown to where it is today. The experience he has gained from this has been invaluable to both his clients and those he has mentored. Although he now runs many sites, his Internet Business Centre provides a focus for his continued commitment to enabling others to make some sense of the sometimes confusing wonder that is today's Internet. and his personal site is an example of what he has been talking about in this article.
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5 Ways To Profit With Blogs
By Des Landry
Starting a blog can be easy and fun, but if your intention is to make money you better have a plan.
You should develop a blog in much the same way you would develop a website. Before you start a blog you should research the area that you want to write about. This should be focused and something you are passionate about. If you are passionate about gardening than you should write a blog about gardening. You can offer tips about gardening and related links to gardening resources.
Research your niche for keywords and how many people are searching for the subject that you are planning to blog about. This will give you an idea about how big the market is and what kinds of information you need to supply on your blog.
So once you have your blog in mind you need to figure out how you are going to monetize it. Here are 5 ways to make money using your blog.
Affiliate products - You can look through the affiliate networks and come up with products that are related to your subject matter. You can either put these products on a separate page in your blog or weave them through your content with links to those products. Whenever someone clicks on a link and makes a purchase you will earn commission on that sale.
AdSense - Despite popular belief AdSense is not completely dead. However, this should not be your primary income stream, but should be included with other methods of monetization. It costs nothing to add Google AdSense javascript to your blog and you can earn a little something if someone clicks on one of the advertising links. It's another stream of income that is easy to incorporate.
Subscriber Link - Start a mailing list for your blog readers. Once you have a list of email addresses you can send out updates whenever you make a new post on your blog or if you have found a great product recommendation. This is an excellent way to stay in contact with your readers and drive visitors back to your site where they have the opportunity to purchase a product you recommend or offer.
RSS Feeds - You can add an rss feed to your site which allows others to link to your site and visit your site again and again. The other way is to incorporate an rss feed for sites such as or into your blog and visitors can choose to browse products from those sites within your own blog. Again, this can be a great source of affiliate commissions.
Adding a survey or poll to your blog - Surveys or polls can be great ways to keep your blog more interactive and therefore keep people on it longer. Combined with good content a survey can also be used to help you develop your own product to offer your readers such as a custom report or guide book. This not only increases the value to your site, but develops customer loyalty.
The most important part to keep in mind when developing your blog is that you must continue to update it or you will lose readers. A blog should continue to supply readers with useful information on a regular basis. The more useful content you provide the more readers, subscribers and customers you will gain.
Des Landry is an internet marketing coach who teaches people how to generate passive and residual income from home.
Her Free report that exposes the truth about "How to Make Money Online" shows you how you can build a profitable business on autopilot can be requested at:
She also welcomes you visit her Online Marketing blog and learn strategies that will help take your online business to the next level.
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Friday, March 21, 2008
Ready To Go For Blog Writing Services
By T Nelson
Blog writing services are designed with a sole aim to develop the text for the Internet audience. These give you right match on keywords chosen and such keywords make a huge difference when it is populated on servers. The search engine spiders crawl, they tickle and what you get is high page rank and good amount of traffic to your website. The service providers have only one mission and the mission is to get the maximum visibility and maximum page rank. Though the form of text can vary in the sense, it can be for either the product or at times discussing about an issue.
Online content management tools simply work best for blogging. Blog writing services make use of these tools to increase the web popularity of any business corporate. Tools such as Joomla and Drupal offer scores of customized widget tools than what an average blog can do. Online marketers out there who want to aim big and make their Internet marketing profits surge high, these tactics are simply a boon. But be cautioned, the content management system is complex and you need to be aware about how it functions.
The providers of such benefits make use of different methodologies in order to make their clients win over the Internet. Blog writing services has become the most powerful domain now. The service providers venture with top-notch journalists, besides a niche breed of online copywriters. These writers are well trained and foresighted about how blog should behave once in the grip of search engine. And beyond this, the text is written in a specific manner --keyword rich or non-keyword rich -- to drive home the public opinion and give your website unique visibility and high page rank. Many such writings can be on any topic or title. Off late academic titles, research papers etc. have also come under the ambit of such services.
Remember, hiring the rich benefits of blog writing services is the most obvious thing to do. This is because, it largely aims for generating keyword rich content in order to generate power traffic and this is the real mantra of Internet marketing.
Niche Writers India provides Blog Writer and Blog Writing Service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for Blog Posting Service then you can get it in $2 per article.
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Developing a Blog Writing Style
By T Nelson
Under the Blog writing style, I would categorically be presenting you some useful insights into as to how you should draft your content for a blog. It is an established truth that every writing style is different and the manner it is presented largely differs to an extent. Writing is a goldmine in today's information hungry world. You need to present and stylize your content draft in order to make it popular. As great scientist and philosopher Aristotle says... lt is important than the character, likewise, theme and title is important to style your content. It is important because this is the crucial in driving the net audience to your website as much it will be crawled by the search engine spiders.
Blog writing style depends upon using different content management system tools, which would definitely make the content piece the most read part over the gruesome Internet world. The foremost thing to include in such content pieces is the link. You should have a link to your website because anyone of those thousands visiting the site might become interested in you. By following the link, he/she can visit your place and know more about your work and services. The best part is yet to come. By providing reference links to other places, you would tempt the traffic to stroll to those linked places and result is you are paid for driving the traffic to those referred sites via your blog article.
Blog writing style should be simple, colloquial and discursive too. It should not be an academic research document. A true vision of the writer's own thoughts. Remember to be a blog writer you do not need to be a good literary person. A normal person with little insight into language can easily handle the stuff.
Blog writing style should bear a good name and for this you need to do some keyword search exhaustively and comprehensively. A little foresight will work you wonders. You register the name or the keyword sentence and it will really be your day, everyday. Oops! Keep your language search engine friendly.
Niche Writers India provides Blog Content Writing and Blog Writing Service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for Blog Posting Service then you can get it in $2 per article.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Top 10 Blog Writing Tips
By Denise Wakeman
Most of the "rules" about writing for ezines and newsletters apply to writing posts for your blog, but there are some important differences. Keep these 10 tips in mind and you'll be publishing great blog content that attracts prospects and clients in your niche market.
1. Write with the reader in mind. Remember WIIFM? It’s marketing jargon for What’s In It For Me? That’s what you should be keeping in mind. Your reader will read your post looking for what’s in it for them.
2. Make it valuable and worthwhile. Don’t waste people’s time. If you don’t have anything to say, no problem, plenty other people do. So share their articles, do an interview, review a book.
3. Proof-read for typos and glaring grammatical errors. You wouldn’t go out of the house with dirty hair or missing a sock, so why would you publish spelling mistakes? Respect your readers by polishing up your stuff.
4. Keep it short and simple, sweetie. (KISS). Most people are scanners. You may have a lot to say and think it interesting, and it may be. But people are reading online and out of time. Get to the point quickly. Publishing short posts more frequently is a better format than publishing lengthy articles every few weeks.
5. Keep it lively, make it snappy and snazzy. Even if you aren’t a natural born writer, you can write for your blog. Just write like you’re speaking to your friend…or to yourself! Remember though, get to the point quickly. Keep in mind the journalist’s rule of 5 W’s in the first paragraph: who, what, why, when and where.
6. Link often. This builds credibility and positions you as an expert in your field. People don’t have time to know what others are doing, you should tell them. Linking to other blogs and websites also helps you build a network of associates who will in turn link to your blog.
7. Use keywords often. This will help you stay on purpose, and the search engines will love your blog. Your rankings will go up. This is one of the reasons we have you write out your purpose statements before beginning your blog. The clearer you are about your purpose, the more consistently you will deliver messages that are on target. And the more often your keywords show up, the better your search engine results.
8. Write clearly (short sentences, only one concept per sentence). No double speak or jargon; no more than one idea in one sentence- don’t make your readers have to think about your meaning. Spoon feed them. Use commas and dashes liberally.
9. Write like you talk. It’s okay to use common expressions from speech.
Go figure.
Don’t even go there…
Now, I ask you…
Gotta love it…
(And, remember the age group of your readers…)
10. Use a clear headline, and don’t be afraid to make bold statements (but don’t mislead people either). Make it snazzy and use key words. Example: Ex-Techno-Weenie Masters HTML Code
BONUS: After you write a post and BEFORE you hit the save button
Use this checklist to ask yourself a few questions as you are reading through for typos and grammar:
__ Is the topic clear to someone who only reads the headline?
__Does the lead paragraph tell who and what the story is about and why the reader should care about it?
__ Is the angle you've used likely to seem newsworthy?
__Would someone who knows absolutely nothing about this topic understand this post?
__ Is the post free of jargon?
__ Is it written in journalistic style and does it make an effort to be objective?
__ Have you peppered the headline and the post with keywords and phrases that will be attractive to search engines?
__ Did you remember to ask your readers a question at the end, or something to stimulate readers to comment?
__ Did you remember to write with the reader in mind, always keeping in mind WIIFT? (What’s in It for Them?)
Patsi Krakoff of Customized Newsletter Services, and Denise Wakeman of Next Level Partnership, have teamed up to create blogging classes and marketing services for independent professionals. You can read and subscribe to their blogs at, and
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Are Sponsored Paid Posts Good For Your Blog?
By Latease Rikard
From time to time I've supplemented my blogging income by writing sponsored paid posts. Many times they don't have anything to do with what my blog is about. Basically, I've been a blog whore.
But now, my feelings have changed. I'm beginning to wonder: if the spiders crawl your site looking for keywords in an effort to discover what my blog is all about, aren't I doing myself a disservice by writing non-relevant sponsored posts?
My initial thoughts are yes.
"By reviewing or crawling your website content and metatags, search engines will find out what your web site is about. As soon as search engines consider your web site relevant to the topic or search, the easier it is to get high rankings for your keywords and key phrases." -- Keith Raymond is a Vancouver Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Specialist.
Here is a reputable SEO specialist writing about the very thing I was afraid of. Paid posts that are not relevant to your blog will definitely hurt your search engine ranking, as well as the relevancy of your content.
If your blog is about SEO and blog marketing, then that's what you should blog about or write paid posts about. Not doing so could hurt your chances of receiving organic search engine traffic. Is organic traffic over rated? I don't think so.
Once the SE's crawl your site and find consistent postings, they will continue to send traffic your way, thus increasing your blog traffic and repeat visitors.
Case in point, I noticed that when I consistently write about the same things on all 3 of my blogs, I get more subscribers as well as more organic traffic. Whenever I fall off the wagon, my subscribers drop as well as my traffic.
There are so many other blogs to go to, I have to make sure I give my readers a reason to return.
Sponsored posts for me are not helping my traffic nor subscriptions. Unfortunately, I am going to have to turn down the offers from now on. As a wealthy businessman once told me, "all money ain't good money."
As a blogger and home based business owner, I've discovered the joys of making money blogging. It's fun, simple, and easy. Using Web 2.0, you can turn your business around. Want to know how?
Get free tips by subscribing to the daily feed:
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A Blog Can Help You Grow Your Home Business Very Fast
By Andre Sanchez
A blog is a wonderful marketing tool without equal that can help you grow any home business at high speed. Admittedly you will have to know exactly how to use a blog so that you are able to easily achieve all your objectives.
You will need to address the problems and issues that your home business product cures or solves as the main topic of your blog. With this kind of focus right from the onset, it will be very easy for you to attract highly targeted traffic. You will also stand a much better chance of building up your blog traffic rapidly.
One of the big strengths of blogs is the fact that they are able to attract a high number of back links very quickly, almost effortlessly. The same cannot be said for conventional web sites. And this is one of the reasons why it makes so much sense to use a blog to grow traffic to your home business site. To speed up things even more at your blog, you can ensure that you generate plenty of valuable content in the form of SEO articles. Naturally for this exercise you should use the most important keyword phrases of your home business web site. This is very essential because basically what you are trying to do here is to attract traffic that is as targeted as possible.
Again the amazing thing about blogs is that other bloggers will very quickly link to good articles in your blog thus creating numerous back links within a very short time. What this does is to improve the ranking of your site and as a result will open the floodgates of traffic. Naturally all this time you should be re-directing all your blog traffic at every opportunity to your home business web site.
But the use of a blog does not stop there. Actually this medium is an excellent research tool and the interactive nature of blogs where readers can leave comments opens the doors wide for many possibilities. If for instance you are thinking of a new promotional idea for your home business site, you can use the blog to get feedback from your prospects so that you test your ideas extensively before you launch. You can even find out how people currently perceive your home business site.
Research is invaluable in helping you improve and make the right decisions concerning your online business.
Then there is the fact that your blog can be a valuable extra profit centre to help you raise funds to keep you going even as you wait for your home business site to get through the initial teething problems so as to start generating some serious revenue for you.
You may be interested in checking out an online home business opportunity that gives so much support that you probably won't need a blog at
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
Blogging Your Way to Home Business Success
By Cindy Floyd
Cindy FloydLevel: BasicOnline Business Owner and Internet Marketing Coach. ...
Many of us view blogging as something for the younger generation or just a social networking communication avenue. But creating a blog to promote your home based business can be very profitable. Savvy internet marketers know that using a blog as your main avenue is a successful business plan.
So why are more and more internet marketers turning to blogs rather than websites?
Here are a few reasons...
It's really easy to setup a blog. There are many sites on the internet that will provide free and low cost hosting of your blog when you use their blogging software. All you need is a computer to connect and your up and running.
You can choose from a variety of blogging platforms; Wordpress, Blogger, Joomla, are a few of the most popular. These applications offer a number of attractive themes to choose from. You're bound to find one that fits your product niche. You will also find with these platforms that people write addons, plugins or applications that add spice to your site.
People are attracted to blogs because they are generally less intimidating. They are a friendly environment that allows for open conversation about products or issues. You do not find the in-your-face hard sell you would on a website or sales page. It's a more personal environment which attracts people.
Blogs are also great for search engine rankings. Because there is a lot of activity, postings, links, the search engines love them. The more postings you provide and comments you receive helps boost your popularity and therefore your rankings.
Blog content
The most important aspect of a blog is its content. It must be useful, informative and non threatening. You can write what you want in your blog and if people find you interesting they will follow you. You can be informative, funny, and controversial, all are great avenues to grow you reputation. As your reputation grows and your blog gains readership you will see the benefits in your profits.
There is no rule of thumb on how often you should post to your blog. Once a day is great for keeping your rankings high and your readers' interest, but if you can only post twice a week or even once a week, the idea is to keep posting.
Offer your readers various ways to keep up with your posts. You can setup article feeds (RSS, Google, AOL), or have them register for emails to be sent every time you update your blog. This will encourage your readers to comment on your posts and keeping your blog active.
There are many ways to add profit to your blog. You can sell advertising to other subscribers wanting to promote their product. You can be less assertive by adding text links within the blog content directing them to other sites. This is usually a personal preference. You can also add Google Adsense, AdBrites or any other content sharing ads.
If you follow these few simple ideas you will find blogging fun and a very powerful tool in your internet marketing strategy that sets you on the road to success.
Cindy Floyd Colorado Creative Solutions303-429-6333
Ask me how you can earn huge commission weekly and have fun doing it.
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The Best Things About Blogging
By Tony Bedford
Have you ever wanted to create a business you could run from the comfort of your own home?
Would you like to have an online business that could generate income for you 24/7?
Does the idea of a business you can run from anywhere in the world appeal to you?
Do you have a desire to write creatively?
Do you have a hobby, expertise or passion that you would like to write about?
If you answered "yes" to any (or all) of the above, then you should consider starting your own blog-based business.
There are a number of advantages to starting your own blog business. In this article I'll list a few of the main ones.
There are few business opportunities that are as flexible as running a blog. You can tailor your operation to suit your lifestyle, knowledge and financial requirements. A blog can be run part-time or full-time, you can chose your blog niche, with some constraints, based on your own areas of interest. A blog is ideal to run along side other business ventures. You get to chose your own hours.
You can run a blog from anywhere in the world. All you need is Internet access and a browser. Virtually everything can be done online, with tools that are available for free or minimal cost. If you like to spend your summers in one country and winters in another a blog business can provide the ideal solution.
Passive income
One of the major advantages of a blog is that its revenue is passive income. To explain passive income lets look at active income first.
Active income is where you exchange your time for money. For example, if you have a job you get paid a salary for working a fixed (in theory) number of hours per week.
However, passive income is different. With passive income you create content that can be sold or delivered through an automated system. This requires an upfront development effort to create the content and set up the delivery system. Once the content is created the system is automated.
Visitors buy your product through your blog site or click on your online ads to generate revenue for you. At this point you are not exchanging your time for money. Your passive income generation system is making you money even when you are asleep.
When you realize that you can actually set up multiple streams of passive income then you can begin to appreciate the power of passive income.
Starting up and running your own blog business is extremely rewarding. You get to write about what you love. In fact if you are not writing about what you love then you have probably picked the wrong topic! What's more, you are getting paid to write about what you love! It doesn't get any better than that.
Running your own blog brings great freedom. You don't have to commute, you don't have to put up with a boss you hate, you don't have to work long hours to make someone else rich. You set your own hours and work when it's convenient for you.
Setting up and running a profitable blog is not easy. But, with the right guidance, and with some determination on your part, it is very doable. Most of what you need to know can be learned as you go along. Starting a blog is definitely not a get-rich-quick-scheme, but then you probably already know that such things do not exist. It takes time and effort to create a successful blog, but it is possible if you are prepared to move out of your comfort zone and take up the challenge.
Tony Bedford first started blogging in March 2000. Tony currently maintains a free guide to more profitable blogging at
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
Blogs Comments Equal Blog Traffic
By Craig Andrews
How valuable are links in blog comments? Let it be known that all links have value and one should never underestimate what a strategically placed link can offer. Yet, many people seem invest significant money in search engine optimization techniques but ignore some very simple techniques and methods that can greatly boost traffic to a site. Commenting on blogs and leaving links to your own site can prove to be very reliable methods for building traffic.
The blog comments section of a blog are designed to provide feedback to the blogger as well as provide further reading enjoyment to those who frequent the blog. This creates a great opportunity for you to build traffic for your blog. If you has a blog that was related to the entertainment business, for example, you are also probably a reader of entertainment related blogs. Simply frequent those similar blogs that have a great deal of traffic and start leaving blog comments. Within the blog comments, you should leave a link to your own blog. From this, some of the readers of this very popular blog will find their way to your blog and, hopefully, become regular readers of your work as well.
Keep in mind, some bloggers may not like people to leave comments on their blog with links attached. They may end up deleting your entries and links. If this happens don't sweat it. Just shrug your shoulders and move on to the next blog. If you do wish to reduce the odds of your blog comments (and links) being deleted it is best to avoid spamming the blog with links and no content to the comments. Seriously, there are those who place nothing in the comments section other than the link! This is a great way to find your comment deleted. Instead, write excellent, well thought out comments and you will find your presence on the blog being more welcome.
Download it FREE here:How I Make A Very Handsome Profit Niche Blogging Click Here: Craig S Click Here: Article Pro Software
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How You Can Make Money Online With A Blog
By Carl Hartley
The internet is flooded with ways to make money online. You can make money taking surveys, selling other people's products, or creating your own business. One way many people do not realize you can make money being online is having your own blog. Much like having your own web site, there are a number of ways to make money with a blog.
The most common method of making money with a blog is promoting your own web site and directing prospects to your site. Think of it as advertising for your site. You can promote products you sell, programs you are associated with, and information you have to offer. It is an easy way to drastically increase the traffic volume to your actual web site.
Another great way to make money being online with a blog is promoting your affiliate programs. With affiliate marketing you do not have to handle any products, just direct visitors from your blog to your affiliate's web site. You can either place a link to the affiliate's web site or you can talk about their business and direct the visitor to your web site with the link.
Advertising is quite common with blogs because of the numerous ways you can make money from advertising. If you have a big enough blog, many people are willing to pay to have their banner or link put on your blog. If it is not big enough, you can also use Google AdSense and BlogAds. Both of these methods are free and allow you to make money simply by people clicking on the ads.
The great thing about having a blog is you get to meet a plethora of new people and talk with them on a personal level. Building relationships can go a long way on the internet and having a blog makes this easy to do. You never know when you may meet someone that has a business proposition for you as they begin to trust you and respect you. This is not a sure thing, but having a blog increases the likelihood.
Lastly, if you truly want to make money online with a blog consistency is the key factor. It is vital you take the time to post in your blog every day on a consistent basis. Bring new topics to talk about and respond to other people's comments. This consistency will keep visitors coming to your blog to see what else you have to say. And as mentioned above, you will begin to build relationships and talk with the same people over and over again.
Wake up. People are making fortunes online passively. Learn something and improve yourself. =>
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4 Steps to Make a Blog That Attracts Readers
By Ashley Mcallister
Today, blogging has become a very recognized and important tool for the business world. Blogs hold a lot of power when it comes to trying to get the word out there about something. If you are someone that would like to promote your business or set a blog for your own sake, then you will need to know the steps in how to do so.
If you do not know what a blog is, it is a place on the web that you can write your thoughts, opinions and whatever else. You can pretty much put anything you want in a blog. When people create blogs, they are looking to get readers and lots of them. The more readers you get to your blog, the more of a chance you get the message across to them.
Right now, I would like to give you some blogging tips that can help you make a blog that will attract a lot of readers.
1. Niche Topic
You must have a blog that is centered on one topic and one topic only. Make sure that you choose a topic that interests you because that way you will have some background information on it. You don’t want to choose a topic you know nothing about because it will be harder for you to write about it.
2. Conversational Tone
Whenever you write anything in your blog, make it sound like you. Meaning, don’t go out of your way to have proper spelling and grammar. Write the way as if you were talking to people. This will help others understand you more and the writing will come out of you a lot easier if you don’t think as much.
3. Content
Content is king in this blogging business. The more content you have, the more readers you will get. Make a schedule as to when you will post in your blog and make sure that you stick to that plan. I recommend posting at least 3 times a week.
4. Informational
Never ever make your blog look like a sales page. You want to inform your readers on new things and then make sure that they can learn something from it. If you want to try and sell things from it then you can leave a few links around your blog, but never try and sell it to anyone.
Blogging these days is the best way to reach your readers and get your business off to the right start. Just make sure that when you start it that you don’t abandon it.
For more information, you can check out: Blogging to the bank. If you are wondering what Blogging to the bank is, it has said to be a 7 step blogging for profits blueprint.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Ways To Write A Keyword Article
By Obinna Heche
There is a lot of talk these days about using keyword articles to attract visitors to a website and with the growing use of article marketing, there seems to be some benefit to using this method in a companys marketing plan. There is also some confusion about the use of keywords as well as what they are and what they mean to a website owner.
First of all, keywords are those entered into a search engine by an internet user who is looking for specific information. They may not know exactly what they are looking for but they know what they want. For example, if a person is looking for home improvement tips about replacing ceramic floor tile, they have the option of entering many different search terms, which really is what keywords are all about.
They may enter the term replace ceramic floor or simply enter ceramic floor and start looking at the search results pages for the information they can use. Terms such as replacement floors or replacement ceramics may also be used and business owners will have no idea what terms the user will look for and when beginning their search most users rarely find what they want on the first few tries. Unless, there is an article somewhere that uses that exact phrase.
Typically, an article will contain a specific search term between four and 12 times, depending on the length of the article and the search time needs to be placed in the article so that the writing remains grammatically correct and the phrase is a natural order as though it belongs there and not used simply to use it. Unfortunately, some websites will use what is termed keyword stuffing, which uses the phrase 30 or 40 times in a four or 500 word article, which is a turn off for the search engines and really offers nothing useful to the web searcher.
Articles need to offer some value to the person conducting the search. If the company that sells replacement ceramic tile can produce a series of articles on the best way to remove the old tile, remove the old glue or cement from the surface, how to prepare the surface for new tile and other areas about the subject, they will provide valuable information that can draw visitors to their site where they may actually buy the tile.
These articles can be published on their own website on pages dedicated to helping potential customers learn how to replace the tile. They can also be published on home owner remodeling sites as tips for others. One thing that articles cannot do is advise the readers to visit a specific site or a specific business. This is unacceptable to search engines as well as to other web ezine publishers.
All published articles can have an authors biography giving the author credit for the article as well as outline their competence in the subject matter. The block on these articles could talk about their experience level in ceramic tile replacement and the years they have been involved in the business as well as mention they operate a business at the website location including a hot link.
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Obinna Heche. Los Angeles - California Delivering the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home successfully..
Posting Articles ? This Is What You Should Do Before
By Matthew Meyer
You don't need to be Hemingwhay to dig some creative writing skills.
With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers.
Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some people make before submitting their contents to article directories:
1. Confusing the reason to promote the articles with the reason to write them.
In article writing, there are three key benefits why you are promoting them; branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your optimization efforts.
But there is only one reason why you write an article, and that is to inform your audience.
If the article is not focused on this primary and most important purpose, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will be interested in reading them. You can achieve this by producing better contents.
2. Failing to maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.
You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links back to your site.
But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from that same articles?
Mention keywords at strategic places. Just be sure not to overdo them. But these things do not put much money in your pocket.
There are other factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost your earnings. Not just increase the number of visitors to your site.
Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you intended it to have.
3. Publishing content that does not help your readers.
Maybe in the process of writing articles, you are thinking that all that is you wanted is links back to your site. And any visitors it can generate are fine.
Guess what?
Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting.
Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to obey the standard guidelines, spell checks, researching on a good topic and even hiring a writer to produce a good content on your behalf.
In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.
It will be your choice. You may not be aware of the fact that an article submitted on directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted content ones geared on a narrow group of people.
Learn the difference between these two and it will surely help you know what kinds of articles to write and to submit.
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Matthew Meyer is an internet marketer who manages where you can post your permanent free advertising to over 50,000 members daily. Click here to visit
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Free Blogging Website Available Online
By Tiffany Lee
For a newbie who wants to start to blog, you can use the service of the free blogging websites. The two website that i found are quite good is blogger and wordpress. These two give you a chance to host your blog without charging you any single cent.
So if you are interested to start a blog, why not start with one of these two free blogging website first. this will give you a chance to try out and explore what is blogging all about. It provides you all the tools that you needed to have your blog up and running. I really encourage you to try that out.
And for the next good reason, if you host your blog at blogger, you automatically one step ahead in getting listed in the search engine. For example, Google runs the free blog hosting site blogspot and this almost make you easily get listed in Google's blog search engine. This can definitely save you some time to promote your own blog hosted in other hosting company from scratch.
But using a free blogging website has its own negative sides. If you are doing it for your own hobby and passion only without thinking of monetizes it, then it is okay to continue using a free blogging website. Otherwise it is recommended that you use a third party hosting company.
One of the reasons is that if you have done it for business or entrepreneurship, a free blogging website owns all your content and intellectual property that you hosted with them. It also can not have the feel of professionalism.
Anyhow, it is very cheap nowadays to host your website with third party hosting company, i will recommend you to move to a paid hosting company after you get a feel of what blogging is about and you have enough readership and you feel that you want to bring it to the next level. This will save you in money being wasted.
After all have being said, i encourage you to start using the free blogging website resources available online. You will learn through this free resources to help you move to the next level.
For information on blogging, visit
Tiffany Lee is is personally interested in topics related to blogging for newbies. The video presentation that she has will give you a easy to start up in blogging arena.
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Blog Images Are Worth a Thousand Users
By Celeste Bennet
Images help blogs with organic traffic, which is why I don't understand why more bloggers don't use this resource. The concept behind it is fairly simple to why images help with traffic. But I think that finding images and loading them might is probably where the problem lies. A lot of bloggers have enough trouble trying to find a topic to write about, let alone images to go with.
The reason why blog images bring traffic is because of two factors, the first is design and the second is discovery. Having images on a blog extend a blog from just words to visual as well. This gives a blog more opportunities to being discovered on the web. Of course it's not the image itself, but the name of the image that really helps in this.
When naming an image, it is best not to just keep the original name your camera gave it, but rename it with a good description. Rename the image to something that applies to the post as well as the picture itself. This can be tied into keywords relating to the post or blog.
The design comes in with visual stimuli. Images give blogs a more visual appealing look. Instead of users being overwhelmed with pages upon pages of text, images can be used to break up the words. It also makes the post more interesting, creative and original.
Usually the only colour on a blog is the header and maybe the side bar. By having images spotted around the posts, it gives the blog more colour and feeling to it. Images should be well balanced in the post and have space around to still maintain a clean look and feel in the post.
Users will appreciate the creativity and effort gone into the design more than if it was just letters put together to make an interesting topic. With thousands of blogs for users to read, you need to make yours as interesting as possible to stand out. Images are one way to assist with that and taking a picture isn't that difficult.
Celeste writes for Celestial Online an online company that specialises in inspirational images, words and design for websites.
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The Lone Blog - An Inner Tube On The Ocean
By Stephanie Haile
Have you ever really considered just how big the Internet is? Or the number of people currently connected or joining every day? It staggers the mind, doesn't it? With the playground of events, music choices, video on demand, photos and graphics, interests, personalities, news, business tips, information, and excitement out there the lone blog is like an inner tube on the ocean.
Getting a visual effect of where you float, should set this reality in perspective for you. So how does the lone blog become an island at sea? Or eventually a continent? Starting at the size of an inner tube, this goal might seem a daunting task. One step at a time and one link back at a time will create the island that you are building for the site.
Begin this blogging journey by constructing three on three separate networks. Make them each different, but have yourself in there as well so each blog is just an extension of parts of who you are and what you are all about. Work on them a little at time or get it done in a few days, it is entirely up to how much time you have and how quickly you can learn each site.
On most sites there is a "widget" or area to list links or something called a "blog roll" or "log". Here you will want to start your list with your own blogs from the other sites and any friends sites that you know about. You have just blew your inner tube up to a small fishing boat. If you have an organization, group, team, or club that you are a member of ask them if they have a site and add them to your list of sites. In turn, ask them to add you to their favorites list.
Be sure to go and comment on your friends blogs every week or every other week, leaving your name and web address as a signature. Every time they visit their own site and see your comment, they will remember to go say hello back to you increasing your visitors and ranking in the system.
What is your favorite of your three blogs about? There is always a favorite after you put the time and effort into creating it and each one comes into its own personality. Get a domain name, be creative in the choosing, pick a name that fits what your blog is all about, and redirect it to your site. As these sites are so generously made available by brilliant sites such as Google, Vox, Wordpress, Yahoo360, and countless others, they are also subject to terms of these companies. Be sure to read through the rules and what is and is not allowed on these sites. Even when you do follow the rules there is always the chance that your site will be taken down. With a redirected personal URL, you can then put up another blog and redirect your URL to a new one. Better still, you can purchase your own blog site just like any domain name but if you need to keep all this as inexpensive as possible stay with the free sites.
Always be on the lookout for new sites in your network that you can add as a favorite or to your list, if your site offers a group area, join a few groups that you are interested in. Add your sites to a host of submission sites available to the Internet world. MyBlogLog, Technorati, Digg, Article99 these are but a few of the sites that offer a submission area. Use the link to your site everywhere as your signature file. Everyone who comments, be sure to comment back with a back link to your site.
The lone blog, an inner tube on the ocean has now stepped up to a tug boat. To bring it one step further, maybe to a great sailing ship, you will need to make a few comments on some heavy hitter pages. Find some outstanding sites that interest you and make a few comments to the author. These are not going to be regular pages generally, they are going to be sites owned and authored by big web site owners and gurus of the industry you are involved with or are curious about. These are pages of organizations and clubs with many members commenting on the pages. High traffic sites are a way to not only get your name out there, but they also benefit the site owner of the high traffic site. This is why they will readily post your positive comment on their site.
A sailing ship on the waves of the Internet sounds like a safer deal altogether than an inner tube floating haplessly and crashing among the bigger, more threatening vessels doesn't it? No longer alone, your visitors will enjoy your fresh, newly posted content every week and enjoy themselves.
Stephanie Haile enjoys teaching new people to the Internet how to navigate and become comfortable with their computers. She is a business owner, wife, mom, pet lover, and beach enthusiast who writes, reads, and helps others create a residual income for financial stability. Google Wavecritter and get in touch or give her a call and find out about how her business can help you! 321-745-6202
Stephanie Haile AKA Wavecritter
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Why Blog - What to Blog About?
By Linda Merlino
Blog. A word foreign to me nine months ago. Blog to sell books. Blog to find readers. Blog to drive up my rankings. Blog to get more traffic. Blog for authority. Blog because your publisher tells you to blog like your life depended on it.
Blog on subjects controversial. People like to have an opinion, squirt their opinion, and contradict another's point-of-view.
So far all good reasons, but what about blogging about something that makes you think; something that maybe changes your mind set or your life. How about my main character that has breast cancer and gives up hope? She's done. She's out-of-here. But life takes a twist, like yours-like mine, and she finds herself a hostage in an all-night market in a blizzard, trapped and sure to die by the hands of a murderer more deadly than her disease.
So that's fiction, that's got a title: Belly of the Whale, but what about real life? What about blogging about what we encounter everyday? Who will read those blogs? Will you care? Will I? Will a blog change your life or someone else's?
How about the hobo I saw today? The homeless man, the street bum, the Charlie on the MTA guy who took up nearly five seats on the downtown train from 96th Street to Grand Central? What about him? I think blogging should carry a measure of emotion, some caveat of wisdom that gets us stimulated, such as the hobo on the subway.
The platform was full at 9:15am and the doors to the downtown train opened to allow as many that could fit a ride. I stepped aboard aware of my cape and for a fleeting few seconds concerned that it would get snagged in the closing doors. Watch the doors.
I was dead center of the crowd with no overhead handle or bar to steady my balance. I dug my feet into the floor afraid that one sudden jolt would toss me sideways like a domino. Ahead of me, four layers deep the rim of the passenger bench appeared headless. I wondered what dire act had happened upon it to cause the standing riders to avoid a seat. At 77th Street passengers debarked and I moved to the headless bench. Laying five passengers long was a hobo curled in a fetal position, tattered sneakers and bagging trousers wrinkled at the knees, a thread worn coat lapels up, covered him and a wool hat was pulled low on his ears. One hand was under his coat, scratching his shoulder.
Scratching...scratching...over and over. I wondered about body lice and checked the faces of the passengers next to me. What was in their eyes? Did they think the same? He needed a bath, a shower a full disinfecting. No one objected to his inconveniencing them. No one thought to oust him or shout for him to move on. For who would sit in his place? No one present, not me. And what of this hobo? Who knows about such men? Is that term ancient, outdated? A modern day traveler of no means, keeping warm underground, that's a hobo.
The whole experience made me think, made me grateful for what I have, what I could loose and if I did loose everything; what would become of me? So I's a about what I see. Blog about life. Blog about dying of breast cancer, blog about survival, and blog about old men sleeping in subways cars because we all need to remember that we are not on this planet alone.
Linda Merlino, authorBelly of the Whale release date April 1, 2008
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How To Maintain A Successful Blog
By David Skul
Creating a blog is simple, even if you're a web neophyte.
You can have one up and running in as little as 10 minutes.
Maintaining a blog, however, is a far more complex matter.
This is, in no small measure, due to the fact that, though you can influence your blog, you lose some control once you start posting publicly.
The success or failure of a blog depends on a combination of several different factors. These factors include your blog's topic as well as its layout. An equally important factor is the ability to promote your blog to reach a large, and interested, audience.
There is not one simple or definite formula for creating or maintaining a successful blog. Because of the sheer dynamics involved and because you do not have absolute control over your blog, there are no success guarantees.
However, by taking a few well thought out steps, you can make certain your blog has the best chance of making it in a world where one blog is created nearly every second of the day.
Post fresh blog content regularly
This is the most fundamental success factor for your blog. Fresh, valuable content posted regularly will keep blog visitors coming back for more. Even viewers who just happened to stumble upon your web site will keep revisiting your site if you offer fresh content regularly.
Blogs that have no new posts are bound to become stagnant as there is no motivation for visitors to return. If you want your blog to succeed, post fresh content and post regularly.
Want to make sure your visitors return? Have them signup so that every time you post, they will receive an email alerting them to your new content.
Less is more
Short, crisp, meaningful blogs that get your message across with just a few words will be more effective than long-winded ramblings that really have no depth.
Most readers are a savvy, impatient group. They are looking for information and they want it fast. If readers visit your site and like what they see, you've increased your repeat visitor chance.
Know your audience
Understanding your blog audience and learning about their needs and wants will help you stay focused on content that matters. How do you find out what your readers want? How about asking? Allow them to post comments and agree or disagree with each other.
Focusing on a single topic and keeping all posts relevant to this niche will sustain your audience's interest in the blog. Besides providing quality information, it is equally important to provide this information to readers in a way that it can easily processed.
Assess impacts before making changes to your blog
If you plan to make changes to your blog, do so only after careful consideration. Loyal visitors are familiar with your blog's tone and find it offensive if you change that tone. If you must change, change one thing at a time. Evaluating the effects of this change on website traffic and paying attention to your viewer's comments will help your blog stay successful longer.
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
Recognizing and Identifying the Five Types of Bloggers
By John Peters
The term "web log" came from the reference of a server’s log file. It was then expanded upon to include online personal journaling. Hence, the word blog was born. They are a little more technical that those early and simple web logs. The overall concept, however, still remains the same. It is still a place where someone can put their own personal thoughts and opinions online. They can range from details of upcoming weddings to corporate business plans.
Blogs are great because they give the average person a channel to tell the world their opinions or even their own unique look at various things in their lives. Because there are so many different people with a whole ton of different reasons for starting their own blog, there are various kinds of bloggers all over the internet. Here are five of the most popular types of blog authors:
The best bloggers are the ones who reprint your article on their blog but ask for your permission first. The best part about it is the fact they do so with back links too. Normally, these people are your normal bloggers who take what they do seriously and are just looking for some relevant content to add to their site.
My second favorite kind of bloggers are the ones who use your content on their site even though they do so without asking for permission to use it first. These bloggers are ok in my book cause they still have the good decency to link back to your site as the source of the article. I'll basically look the other way for anything as long as I get a link in return, so I'm fine with these bloggers.
Next on our list of types of bloggers are the ones who blog about something you have done and then to the original artic. They even add their own unique commentary to it and providing a point of view from another source. What makes these posts so great is that it isn't a complete copy of yours so no worries about any duplicate content penalties. Oh, don't forget about that backlink, too. Don't be surprised if you see harsh criticism about your post since it they are writing their own opinion on your work.
One of the more amusing bloggers are the folks who blog on about someone else's topic for the sole purpose submitting it to social sites as their own work. It borders on sleazy if you ask me. It's the original author who put in all the hard work and research but its this blogger who is getting all the traffic and links from the social sites.
These people are probably my least favorite people in the world. They are the scrapers who use your content with no links and then load up the page with contextual link ads and AdSense among other crappy spam tactics. Unfortunately, this is an extremely prevalent tactic these days. Actually, I think nearly three quarters of the Google results pages are these types of blogs.
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The Business Of Corporate Blogging
By Ihab Kharma
Tony D. Baker a blogger on Blogger compares starting a blog with keeping a pet. In the beginning its fun and a novelty, but as time goes by, you realize the maintenance, the training manual and other onuses that come with it cannot be ignored.
When web logging entered the scenario, it had the characteristics of a virtual journal. Over the years blogging kept evolving to include political views, art reviews, video collections, musical influences, fashion forecasts and events, travelogues, etc. to the list of contents featured in a blog.
Blogs today have been accepted by mainstream media as major conglomerates of public opinion. There is usually no cost involved to start one. They are easily customizable and are a time-saving and informal media to interact with other individuals having similar tastes and ideas.
Based on the popularity quotient of blogs, corporate groups include blogs in their public relations and marketing campaigns. While, the content of these blogs is certainly inclined towards meeting their own ends, in essence they are wonderful marketing strategies as they measure consumer tastes and suggestions, which can benefit the company in the future.
A business blog also provides the consumer a peek into the undertakings of the company. It provides an informal portal for consumers to interact with key company personnel who are in the position to offer their personal views, clarify multifarious procedures, and address consumer displeasure.
This powerful e-marketing tool is here to stay. According to market researches, more than 5 percent of Fortune 500 companies blog. The first half of 2006 calculated 34 percent of large companies as having established web logs. Their popularity is steadily increasing in corporate circles.
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This article is by Ihab Kharma, who is a freelance writer. He is well informed on the latest online marketing strategies. If you want to know more about e-Marketing or online marketing, make sure you read our regular updates on
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Blogging for Beginners
By Jeff Spires
If you like to write you everyday thoughts or share ideas with others than a blog may be for you. A blog is a digital journal of sorts and can be designed in a variety of styles and formats and is a worldwide phenomena. The term "blog" is short for "weblog".
Blogging sites, which are free, offer various features to a blogger, such as hyperlinks, straigtht texts, pictures and may even allow video and MP3 files to be added to your blog. There are some bloggers that take advantage of the latter and choose to make their blogs audio focused by using spoken entries. This is more commonly referred to as audio blogging.
All blogs will contain the following features:
- The Title - a label for you post. - The Body - the actual content - Trackback - links added to other sites that linkback to your blog -Permanent Link - each blog or article that is written by you will have its own URL - Comments - readers can post comments on your blog
Blogging is easy since it only requires a few templates, unlike websites, where you need numerous pages. The creation of new pages is extremely easy since blog sites have fixed settings for the title, body, category, and more. Beginners and jump right in and have a blog up and running in no time.
The first step to starting a blog is to register or become a member of a blogging website. With the membership you become a part of that particular blogging community at which time you can scan through other member's blogs. When you find blogs that you particularly like or relate to yours, you can then link those blogs to yours. Also, you will be able to add comments to member's blogs.
Besides personal use, blogs can also be used anyone involved in politics, sports, as a social or philosophical commentary, and more. Thus, blogging then becomes more targeted to a specific theme or topic.
Blogs can also be used to advertise. Entrepreneurs can promote their businesses using their blog. This is an excellent means of promotion since there are millions of people visiting blogs everyday.
Overall, personal blogs or digital journals is the leading use of blogs. It was the original use of blogs. Individuals blog their everyday happenings, struggles, self publish poems, writings, and share opinions.
Bloggers also talk to other bloggers. Communities of people start sharing ideas and soon there is an established circle of bloggers.
A visit to a blog directory will assist in finding a blog that focuses on a particular subject. A search in the directory offers a list of blog sites that are categorized for easy reference. Beginners can browse the directory to get ideas.
With blogging anyone can express themselves, publish For even more info on this, please visit my website
Good Luck! :-) Jeff Spires
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